#100 — What I learnt by writing 100+ posts in a year
When I look back, it seems I have written over 100 posts this year. When this year started, I didn’t have any lofty goal of writing 100 posts but I wanted to write a lot. As another year goes by, it gives a immense satisfaction after the 100+posts run. During this, I learnt a couple of things —
Do not wait for inspiration to strike to create some work — There is a saying by Chuck Close, “Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work”. It is true. You have to show up everyday and write, no matter what. Make it a habit.
Write consistently. You will get many followers — Initially, there were hardly any followers. I was writing every day and there was nobody waiting for it to be published. Slowly, they started to trickle in. As days went by, it started to gain momentum and then they came in droves.
It’s an immense responsibility to run a publication. — There were days when I didn’t have the motivation to write one more post. This continued for few days. Suddenly one of your follower asks you about your absence in his feed. Then I’d sit up and write. Sometimes, I have cross posted ideas from few of my other long form posts. People notice that too. So, be responsible.
Write often. You will find your voice. — Every writer has an unique voice. They will pick this up over a period of time. But it comes only when you put in scores of work.
Experiment constantly. — I experimented constantly with kind of content that I write. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn’t. I improvised on those that worked and it helped in producing quality content to readers.
P.S. Thanks for being part of the journey this year. A new year beckons and let there be new beginnings. A Happy new year!