#86 - Overcome your resistance and Ship it.
A lot of creators always face this when they are doing a work — resistance to showcase to the world. Resistance always plays as a voice in the back of our mind that tells us not to ship, not to face scrutiny in the public domain, not to face embarrassment. As we inch closer to our shipping date or our finish line, we decide to postpone it further and thereby never revealing our work to the world. In few cases, resistance never lets us take off with a project.
“All that’s holding you back is the lizard. It’s that little voice in the back of your head, the “but” or the “what if” that speaks up at the crucial moment and defeats the joy.”
What is the cheat code to come out of this? SHIP IT.
“Ship often. Ship lousy stuff, but ship. Ship constantly.Trick the lizard if you must, but declare war on it regardless. Understand that the only thing between you and the success you seek in a chaotic world is a lizard that figures out that safe is risky and risky is safe.”
Seth Godin
He talks about this in detail in this video —