#94 - Embrace the suck
At times, We might be anxious that our efforts are not reaping expected results. Lets pick writing as an example. You might be into writing and expect large readership. In your initial years, the readers will start to trickle in. But it might not be good enough for you to get motivated. If you have felt the lack of motivation anytime in your life, then read on —
“If you keep doing a thing over and over again for long enough, you will develop a unique skill for it. You need not possess anything outside of the discipline to work at it every day. This is the essence of Zen. You simply do what you have to do without thinking of results. Play guitar for an hour a day and in a year you’ll be able to play shows. Paint a bit each day and you’ll have a portfolio before you know it.
The key is to enjoy the benefits of embracing the suck without caring about the results. Just let your art come out, let your relationship skills develop, let your business acumen build at its own pace. Don’t force it and don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Don’t pretend to be a genius. No one is a genius. There are just people who know how to get things done and people who don’t. Go on — get off the internet and do something you’re bad at. Embrace the suck.” — http://www.thedailyzen.org/2015/06/28/embrace-the-suck/