#95 - Be on Maker’s Schedule
The world operates on two times — maker’s time and manager’s time. Manager’s time is mostly filled with meetings, each for an hour. Their day is essentially split into several block of one hour and they would be happy to accommodate several meetings in a day.
Maker is someone who creates something of value. A developer, a writer, an artist, an architect. Everybody is a maker. They operate differently from a manager. Maker’s time is not split into one hour chunks. They need undivided attention for a considerable period of time running into several hours.
I have struggled to create anything of value if I operate on manager’s schedule. I will be writing code for developing a feature and lo and behold, there comes a meeting. The focus will be gone and is difficult to get it back If I convene again after the meeting.
It is important to recognize that there are two schedules and figure out the schedule that we belong to. Once done, we should respect others who are in a different schedule than ours. And it is mutual.
P.S. I had a vague idea of this for quite sometime. Then I read these and was blown away — link1 and link2